Vertical Grid Types

The choice of a vertical coordinate system is one of the most important aspects of a model's design. There are three main vertical coordinate systems in use. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, which has led to the development of hybrid coordinate systems. This is an area of very active research and development in numerical ocean models. The following discussion follows Chassignet et al., 2002.

The three figures linked below from the DYNAMO Report show how much the mixed layer depth can differ among models with different vertical coordinates and different mixed layer parameterizations, even with identical domains, spatial resolution and forcing.

Currently, there are three main vertical coordinates in use, none of which provides universal utility. Hence, many developers have been motivated to pursue research into hybrid approaches.

- Courtesy of Eric Chassignet (U. Miami)


Now that you have a grid defined in your model domain, the next step is to supply some "Boundary Conditions".