

Overview of Coordinates and Maps Module

This module addresses the issue of geographic coordinates, maps, and the issues raised with the widespread use of the Global Positioning System. It will give background information on the meaning of common terms such as latitude, longitude and height.

This is an interesting and important area for anyone trying to make use of maps and satellite navigation equipment. We are currently in an era where GPS receivers work very well - in the standard configuration. However if changes need to be made to the set up to match a map, the situation can be complicated. Just recognizing that there is a problem is important. Errors of up to a kilometer can occur with improper setup. Ships have run aground.

Sometime in the future this problem will be solved through the use of electronic charts. Until then, let the user beware.

The most important issues for the navigator are discussed in the datum section. The introduction may be useful for understanding some of the datum material if you are only vaguely familiar with latitude and longitude.

The module is divided into 8 sections and some appendices. There is a navigation bar on the left of each page that takes you to the beginning of each module. Within the modules the "previous" and "next" buttons at the top of each page are intended to be used for navigation between pages.

The modules are designed to take about 10 minutes to a half hour depending on the background of the user.


Navigation of the site is done through the

Coordinates and Maps Table of Contents